With the elebia® automatic hook, work with bigbags is safer, easier and faster than ever.
Picking the bag: Thanks to the hook design, with great openness, it is not necessary to hold the hook. The operator can use both hands to insert the handles, making it fast and simple.
Remote release of the bigbag: Release is again, more simple, safe and fast than ever. Once the bigbag is on the floor, with a push of a button the elebia® e5 automatic hook will open, releasing the bigbag.
With the elebia® e5 you will remote release any kind of bigbags.
But with the patented elebia ® Big bag you can also remotelly pick them up! Now it's not necessary to climb onto the truck anymore!
elebia® presents it's new patented bigbag that allows to remote pick and release, avoiding any handling and travelling.
Instead of having 4 loops on the corners, we redesigned the bulk bag with two side handles and a central elebia® sling, wich incorporates the metal insert. Thus we have a wide open top bigbag, one point lifting and automatic hook. With the automatic hook and the elebia® big bag, do the job more comfortable, safer and faster.
Elebia ® system allows you to hook and release from large distances, as much as your crane allows. With its powerful magnet, does not need great accuracy on your part. Approximate the elebia ® e5 hook to the load until the sling is atracted by the magnet, and close the hook. You'll reduce displacements and manipulations.